Mobile App
NU Office of the Registrar is happy to announce NU OR Mobile App competition!
Bring your ideas to make a change in the First Mobile app competition for students!
If you have ideas on mobile application, useful for NU community, get your team together and join our competition.
Make your first step - fill in and submit application form to by February 4, 2018.
Make your first step - fill in and submit application form to by February 4, 2018.
You can choose one of these categories:
1. First category. Open category for the Office of the Registrar functionality (e.g. online academic calendar, schedule of classes, graduation application, database of regulations and rules, etc.). You can develop the functionality that is similar to the one on MyRegistrar, or create your own vision and idea.
1. First category. Open category for the Office of the Registrar functionality (e.g. online academic calendar, schedule of classes, graduation application, database of regulations and rules, etc.). You can develop the functionality that is similar to the one on MyRegistrar, or create your own vision and idea.
2. Second category. Open category concerning the student life and services provided for students at NU (e.g. services provided by DSA, CAC, Bursars Office, etc.).
The winner in each category will get prize 150,000 tenge per team.
A team shall consist of one and more members, who shall be students of foundation, with the notarized consent of legal representatives to participate in the Competition, undergraduate or graduate (master, doctorate and doctor of medicine) programs of the University.
Key dates
Stage 1 - Submission of application form by 4 Feb 2018
Stage 2 - Design and Development by 2 Apr 2018 Consultation with Expert Group
Stage 3 - Judging: 4 Apr - 13 Apr 2018 Demos and presentation
1. Open to ALL NU foundation, undergraduate and graduate students from technical and non-technical backgrounds.
2. Enter as an individual or as a team (no max. members per team)
3. By February 4, 2018 submit an application form describing the functionality and innovation value of your mobile app.
For more details, please refer to Guidelines on NU OR Mobile app competition attached below.
Be remembered as the winner of the First NU OR Mobile app competition!