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Mid and Final exam info
Final examinations
Final examinations are held at the end of the semester during final examination period. Dates of the final examination period are published in Academic Calendar. Student's personal final examinations schedule is available on MyRegistrar. All the final exams schedules by semesters and Schools can be found under Quick Links on homepage.
Main scheduling criteria
  • No concurrent exams
  • No more than 2 final exams within one calendar day
Note: If one of the above rules is not fulfilled, student should contact the instructors of the courses for assistance in resolving conflicts.
Mid-semester examinations
Mid-semester exams are conducted by decision of a course instructor during the middle of the semester. Mid-semester grades are used only for tracking student's progress and are not permanent; they are kept only until final grades are recorded. Changes of mid-semester grades are not accepted.


Summer term examinations
Summer mid-semester examinations are typically held during the scheduled class period. Final examinations are held at the last class meeting.