Faculty and Staff
Dear Faculty and Staff!
Congratulations one more time with Successful Graduation Ceremony 2024!
General plan of the Graduation Day, June 7, 2024 (Friday)
Time Event Place
8:00 Guest gathering Main Hall
8:30 - 12:00 Main Graduation Ceremony for UG Main Hall
13:00  Guest gathering Main Hall
14:00-17:00 Main Graduation Ceremony for GR Main Hall
►Distribution of the Graduation Regalia 
1. Robes will be distributed on the 1st floor of Block C2 (under Orange Hall)
2. Robe distribution until June 5th, from 9:00 to 12:00
3. Robes will be collected from June 10 from 8:30
4. Please don't forget to bring your Faculty ID card along with your State ID card/Passport
5. Any questions, please email to sairan.zhanadil@nu.edu.kz

Office of the Registrar

Office: 9.151
Email: graduation@nu.edu.kz